Daily Chapter---Psalm 13 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 13 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 13 Reflection Question

  • 1. According to David's four “how longs” (V1-2), what kind of relational order did he address his situation with? Otherwise, would the result be as stated in verses 5-6?
  • 2. From the three “lests” (V3-4), what does the psalmist lead us to look at that is important? He prayed to God to "light up [his] eyes, lest [he] sleep the sleep of death". Could this really defeat the enemy? How vigilant should Christians today be?
  • 3. What does the psalmist rely on for happiness? Reflect on what we rely on to be happy? Is it the same as him?




  • 1. 從大衛四個「要到幾時呢?」 (V1-2)看到他以何種關係次序(為本)來面對他的處境?反之,結果會如 (V5-6) 所陳明的嗎?
  • 2.  從三個「免得」(V3-4)詩人又引導我們來看重什麼?他求告神使他「眼目光明,不至於沈睡」,這真能克敵制勝嗎?對於當今的基督徒生活有何儆醒?
  • 3. 詩人靠什麼獲得快樂?反省我們在靠什麼「才」快樂?是否與他一樣?
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