Daily Chapter---Psalm 18:1-24 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 18:1-24 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 18:1-24 Reflection Question

  • 1. How does David address God in V1? What is the special meaning? What is your relationship and attitude towards God? (Compare Luke 7:47.) Continued in the V2 scripture, how many specific terms are used to describe the relationship between God and him?
  • 2. V3-6, 16-19 describes the critical and dangerous situation David faced, and how, by trusting in God, he experienced the salvation from the hand of God himself. In the face of a life marked by such fierce battles, did David distinguish between the salvation of God for his soul and for his body? Could the two be one complete salvation?
  • 3. V20-24 What good works did David describe of himself? In being convinced of his own righteousness and God’s dealing with him accordingly, is this self-righteousness and not humility? Does this violate the doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone?


  •  1. V1 大衛如何稱呼神?有何特別含意?又開宗明義表達了對神的關係與態度如何?(對照路加福音 7:47。)接續的V2經文,又用了幾個具體名詞來描述神和他的關係?
  • 2. V3-6, 16-19 描述大衛面對了何等的性命危急、存亡關頭,倚靠神而經歷了神親自的出手拯救。面對這樣激烈爭戰的人生,大衛是否區別神對他靈魂的拯救和身體的拯救?或二者是一整體的救恩?
  • 3. V20-24 大衛描述了自己哪些方面的行為優點?他認定自己的行為公義蒙神報答,這是否自義不謙卑?是否悖離了「因信稱義」的救恩教義?
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