Daily Chapter--- Psalm 2 Reflection Questions

Daily Chapter--- Psalm 2 Reflection Questions

Daily Chapter--- Psalm 2 Reflection Questions

1. From Psalm 2, think about why the kingdom of God is secure and long-lasting (see Hebrews 12:22-29, Revelation 21:1-7). How does this motivate us?

2. Please give examples of testimonies in your life to explain why people should serve God tremblingly and joyfully (verse 11)?


1. 從第2篇思想神的國度爲何安穩長存(參來12:22-29, 啓21:1-7)?這對我們有何激勵?
2. 請列舉生活中的生命見證為例,説明人爲何且應當又戰兢又快樂地侍奉神(11節)?


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