Daily Chapter---Psalm 20 Reflection Question
- 1. V1 The day of trouble is also the day of battle with the enemy. How can we ourselves face spiritual battles? What is the object and enemy of our battle? Do I also trust in the Lord and ask to be exalted?
- 2. V6 The LORD answers from his holy heaven, and saves his anointed one (the king). Is this verse unrelated to us? Please refer to 1 Peters 2:9.
- 3. V7”Some trust in chariots, others trust in horses” yet these are all external factors, and the LORD prohibits his people from putting their trust in and boasting of these things. Who should we trust in alone during times of trouble? Refer to Psalm 33:16-18.

- 1. V1 遭難的日子也是對敵人爭戰的日子。我自己如何面對屬靈爭戰?哪些是我爭戰的對象敵人?我也是倚靠主、求被高舉嗎?
- 2. V6 耶和華從聖天上應允、救護他的受膏者(君王)。這節經文是否與我們無關?請對照彼得前書 2:9。
- 3. V7 「有人靠車,有人靠馬」,這些都是外在的環境條件,也是神禁止他百姓去倚靠、誇口的。患難中唯一的倚靠應當是誰?對照詩篇 33:16-18