Daily Chapter---Psalm 21 Reflection Question
Psalm 21 is likely concerning the coronation of the king; this psalm is also possibly a psalm of praise for the victory following the answered prayer of Psalm 20
- 1. V2 The desires of the king have been answered by God, responding to the prayer of Psalm 20:4-5. What encouragements does this have towards our prayers? Please refer to The Gospel of John 15:7, 1 John 5:14-15.
- 2. V3-4 “You came to greet him with rich blessing and placed a crown of pure gold on his head. He asked you for life …for ever and ever…” does this have hints of the “prosperity gospel”?
- 3. What is the secret to the king being unshakable?
- 4. The hand of the king will pluck out all enemies and those who hate him, does this lack a heart of forgiveness? Or what is the reason?

- 1. V2 王心所願蒙神應允,回應20:4-5之祈求。這對我們的祈求有何等的激勵?請對照約翰福音 15:7、約翰一書 5:14-15。
- 2. V3-4 「你以美福迎接他,把精金的冠冕戴在他頭上。他向你求壽… 日子長久…」是否有「成功神學」的嫌疑?
- 3. 王能以不動搖的秘訣是什麼?
- 4. 王的手要搜出一切仇敵、和恨他的人,是否缺乏寬容之心?或是何原因?