Daily Chapter---Psalm 26 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 26 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 26 Reflection Question

  • 1. Why did David pray to God? In his prayers, he often told God about what he had done. Are his prayers similar to the ones described by the Pharisees in Luke 18:9-14? What’s the essential difference?
  • 2. Where did David's godliness come from and how does this inspire and encourage us when taking the path of holiness?


  • 1.大衛因何事向神禱告?他在禱告中不乏就自己所行的向神述說,請問 他這樣禱告,是否與<<路加福音>>18 章 9-14 節所描述法利賽人的禱 告類似?有何本質上的不同?
  • 2.大衛的敬虔出自甚麼?對我們走成聖道路有何提醒和激勵?  
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