Daily Chapter---Psalm 30 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 30 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 30 Reflection Question

  • 1. David did not build the holy temple, so why does the title say this is the hymn for his dedication of the temple? Was this a mistake made in the Bible?
  • 2. What’s the reason why David gave thanks to God? Has everything in his life been smooth? Is it true that his spiritual life has never been lowered? How does he reflect on this? What was his expression after the reflection? Do we have any experience similar to David's in our own journey of life? Can we still pray and praise God like he did?


  • 1. 大衛並沒有建造聖殿,為何標題卻說這是他獻殿的詩歌?聖經如此說,是否出了差錯?
  • 2. 大衛因何事向神感恩稱謝?他是否一生凡事平順,靈命高踞不下?他對此有何反省?反省後又有何表達?我們自己在生命的旅程 中,有大衛那樣的體驗嗎?能像大衛那樣祈求感謝神嗎?
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