Daily Chapter---Psalm 40 Reflection Question
- 1. In verses 1-5, David mentioned that God lifted him out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire and set his feet on a rock, giving him a firm place to stand. Do you have the same experience and feeling?
- 2. What do you learn from verses 6-7? How does the true meaning of these words appear to us? (1 Samuel 15:22) What is the deeper meaning behind these words? (Hebrews 10:5-7)
- 3. What is the reason why David keeps crying out to God for his salvation from verse 11 to the end of this chapter?
- https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/bible/59/PSA.40.ESV
- 1. 本诗篇1-5節中,大衛提到了神將他從禍坑和淤泥中拉出,使他的腳重新站在磐石上,你是否也有相同的經歷和感受?
- 2. 你從本詩篇6-7節中感悟到了什麼?這話真正的意義如何顯在我們身上?(撒上15:22),這話更深的奧秘又是什麼?(來10:5-7)
- 3. 為什麼大衛在詩篇的11節起到最後,仍要不斷向神呼求拯救?其中的原因是什麼?
- https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.40