Daily Chapter---Psalm 48 Reflection Question
- 1. The psalmist claims that the city of God - Mount Zion, the city of the king is both gorgeous and a solid guarantee. What is the basis for this praise? What are the honors of God's house in today's church (Ephesians 2:19-22)? What kind of praise will we give since we grow up in God's church and experience Him?
- 2. Verse 9: "We have thought on your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of your temple." God's elect think about God's kindness and salvation in the temple worship. What is the reminder concerning our own worship in God's temple?
- https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/bible/59/PSA.48.ESV
- 1. 詩人宣稱神的城---錫安山,大君王之城既居高華美又為堅固保障,這讚美的根據是什麼?現今教會---神的家有哪些榮美 (參弗2:19-22) ?我們因在其中成長與經歷神、認識神生發的感恩會發出怎樣的讚美?
- 2. 第9節: 「神啊,我們在禰的殿中,想念禰的慈愛」。神的選民在聖殿敬拜中想念神的慈愛與拯救,對照我們自己在神殿敬拜有什麼提醒?
- https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.48