Daily Chapter---Psalm 51 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 51 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 51 Reflection Question

  • 1.First of all, please understand the background of this chapter from 2 Samuel 11:1-12:15. David’s crimes of adultery and murder directly harmed people, so why is it said that his crimes were “against God only”? What kind of impact and awakening did King David’s unforgettable confession and repentance bring to you? Are the various crimes committed by the world today related to God?
  • 2. Why did David ask God to treat Jerusalem well when he asked God for forgiveness? What does this suggest about the effects of sin? According to the pattern in this psalm, go to God and confess your existing sins. If you can, try to recite this most touching "penitent psalm".
  • https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/bible/59/PSA.51.ESV



  • 1. 首先請從撒下11:1-12:15明白本篇的背景。大衛的奸淫罪和殺人罪是直接加害於人,為何說他所犯的罪是 “唯獨得罪了神”呢?從大衛王這種刻骨銘心的認罪悔改,帶給你何種衝擊和驚醒?今日世人所犯的各種罪行與神有関嗎?
  • 2. 為什麽大衛求神赦免時,也祈求神善待耶路撒冷?這對罪的影響有何提示?据本篇的模式,到神面前承認你現有的罪。若可以,試著背誦這篇最感人的“悔罪詩”。
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.51
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