Daily Chapter---Psalm 56 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 56 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 56 Reflection Question

  • (1) What is David afraid of in this psalm? (Refer to 1 Samuel 21:10 - 22:1).
  • (2) How did David allay his fear?
  • (3) How does sharing this psalm help you remove real worries and fears in your life?
  • https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/bible/59/PSA.56.ESV



  • 1)本詩中大衛懼怕些什麼?(參考撒上21:10 - 22:1)
  • 2)大衛如何挪去懼怕?
  • 3)分享本詩篇如何幫助你挪去現實的擔憂和恐懼?
  •  https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.56
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