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Daily Chapter---Psalm 57 Reflection Question
Daily Chapter---Psalm 57 Reflection Question
- 1. In this psalm, what attributes of God did David grasp onto at his time of need so that he could strengthen himself?
- 2. In what ways can this psalm help you learn to pray in your morning prayer meetings or at home?
- 3. Meditating on this psalm, what is the greatest inspiration or encouragement to your faith
- 1)本詩中大衛在危急關頭抓住神的哪些屬性從而得以堅固自己?
- 2)本詩篇在哪些方面可以幫助您在教會晨禱會中或在家中學習禱告?
- 3)默想本詩篇,對您的靈性最大的啟發或激勵是什麼?
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