Daily Chapter---Psalm 65 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 65 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 65 Reflection Question

  • 1. Using the opening verses of Psalm 65:1-4, can you identify what you may be lacking in your Sunday worship? How can you fix that?
  • 2. (v 5) "O, God of our salvation" the psalmist firmly believes that “by awesome deeds you answer us with righteousness”. How does the psalmist's confidence in God's response differ from the emphasis on the "Gospel" we proclaim today? Can such a "strategy" lead people to true repentance and knowing of the true God?
  • 3. Do the "miracles" people seek today lead them to fear God? (v8) Why do we shout for joy?
  • https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/bible/59/PSA.65.ESV


  • 1. 對照詩65:1-4節的開場白,你能發現自己在主日敬拜中所缺失的是什麼嗎?要如何歸正?
  • 2. (v5)“拯救我們的神啊”詩人堅信神“必以威嚴秉公義”應允我們,與當今我们所傳“福音”时高舉的有何不同?如此“策略”能領人真悔改,認識真神嗎?
  • 3. 今日人所求的“神蹟”會引領人敬畏、懼怕神嗎?(v8)省思我們歡呼歌唱因為什麼?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.65
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