Daily Chapter---Psalm 66 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 66 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 66 Reflection Question

  • 1. With three "Selah" in this psalm, if we divide it into four parts, can you summarize the core themes of each section?
  • 2. The psalmist calls all nations to come and praise God. On what does he base his proof that God has saved their lives and prompted him to offer sacrifices and perform vows willingly? (Wholehearted dedication)
  • 3. How did the relationship between God and the psalmist change through the experiences of trials given by God (nets, burdens, men riding over their heads, going through fire and water)? How can this be an inspiration for us when we face difficulties? What lessons can we learn?
  • 4. What is the key to God not rejecting our prayers?
  • https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/bible/59/PSA.66.ESV


  • 1. 本詩篇中有三個“細拉”若以此將詩篇分成四部分來讀,試歸納出每段的核心主題是什麼?
  • 2. 詩人呼召萬民來稱頌讚美神,他根據什麼來證明神拯救了他們的性命,並促使他甘心樂意地獻祭還願?(全然擺上)
  • 3. 通過經歷了神所賜的試煉(網羅、重擔、車軋、水火)詩人與神的關係有何變化?在面對困境時,如何也能成為我們的激勵?要學什麼功課?
  • 4. 神“沒有推卻”(拒絕)我們的禱告,關鍵在於什麼? 
  •  https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.66
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