Daily Chapter---Psalm 73 Reflection Question
- Verse 1: How did the author conclude that "God is indeed good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart"?
- Verses 2-14: Why was the author almost led astray and stumbled? What were the various reasons for his heart's discontent? Why did he doubt if walking in righteousness was worthwhile? Have we had similar experiences? Verses 15-16: As a child of God, why didn't he dare speak of his pain, doubt, and distress?
- Verses 17-22: How did the author's perspective change? How did he see the end of the wicked? How did he recognize his own ignorance and folly?
- Verses 23-28: How could the author write such beautiful and profound verses? Besides you, what else do I have in heaven? Besides you, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. What is the final conclusion?
- Psalm 73 | ESV 圣经 | YouVersion (bible.com)
- 1. V1作者怎樣得出“神實在恩待以色列那些清心的人”的結論?
- 2. V2-14作者為何險些失閃、滑跌?他心懷不平的各種原因是什麼?他為何懷疑信義道是值得的?我們有沒有同樣的體驗?
- 3. V15-16作為神子民,他的痛苦、懷疑、為難為何不敢講?V17-22作者是怎樣轉變的?他怎樣看見惡人結局?他怎樣看見自己的愚昧無知?
- 4. V23-28作者怎麼能夠寫出這麼優美深刻的詩句?除祢以外,在天上我還有誰呢?除祢以外,在地上我也沒有所愛慕的。我的肉體和我的心腸衰殘;但神是心裡的力量,又是我的福分,直到永遠。最後的總結是什麼?
- 詩篇 73 | CUNP-神 Bible | YouVersion