Daily Chapter---Psalm 78:40-72 Reflection Question
- 1: In verses 40-42, how did the Israelites rebel against and test God? Have we rebelled in a similar way against God? How did God differ in his treatment of the gentiles as opposed to the Israelites (v. 43-55)? What does this make you feel?
- 2: In verses 56-64, how did the Israelites respond to God’s mercy? How did God feel towards the response of the Israelites? How did God judge accordingly? Please reflect on how you have responded to God’s mercy in your own life.
- 3: In verse 65, does God sleep (Psalm 121:3-4)? What does “fallen asleep” symbolize about God? After God “awoke”, what did he do for the Israelites (66-72)? How does David foreshadow? How ought we respond to God?
- https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.78.ESV

- 1. v.40-42節中,以色列民是如何悖逆和試探神的? 我們曾否如此悖逆神?神是如何分別對待外邦人和以色列民的(v.43-55)?對此你有何感觸?
- 2. v.56-64節中,以色列人如何回應神的恩慈?神對以色列人這些回應的感受如何?審判如何?請反思自己生命中神賜給的恩慈,你是如何回應的?
- 3. v.65中,神睡覺嗎(《詩》121:3-4)?“睡著了”比喻神什麽?神“醒了”,為以色列民做了什麽(v.66-72)?大衛預表著誰呢?我們該如何回應神
- https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.78