Psalm 86:1-4: How does the author evaluate and understand himself here? Is the author proud of himself? Are these evaluations and understandings of yourself the same as yours? If not, what should you be cautious of?
Psalm 86:5-10: How does the author understand God? What kind of God does the author believe in? Do you have the same understanding of God? Do you believe that the God you believe in is the same as the one the author believes in?
Psalm 86:11-13: What attitude should a person who truly knows God have towards Him? How does our understanding of God help us in worshiping Him? How will this help you worship in church every Sunday?
From the three sections of Psalm 86, what kind of structure of a Christian life do you see? How does such a life structure, with the author's understanding of himself, understanding of God, and worship of God, help you better understand God today? To better worship God and to better understand and recognize yourself?