Daily Chapter---Psalm 9 Reflection Question
(1) David begins this Psalm with a series of thanks and praise to God, and his heart is overflowing with joy. What are the reminders and lessons for our attitude in the life of believers?
(2) In our realistic observation and experience, we feel that justice is not as the psalmist says it will be served (verse. 4, 5) and that the oppressed will be liberated (verse. 8, 9). How do we interpret such “contradiction”?
(3) In the last verse (verse. 20), the writer asks God to let the Gentiles "Let the nations know that they are but men!. What does this statement teach, remind and comfort us as believers?

(2) 在現實的觀察和經歷中,我們覺得公義好像不如詩人所說必得伸張 (4、5節),受壓迫的必得解放 (8、9節),這等 ”矛盾”,我們該如何自處與解讀?
(3) 在最後的一節中 (20節),作者求神讓外邦人,“願他們知道自己不過是人。” 這句話對我們作信徒的,有何啟迪、提醒和安慰。