Daily Chapter---Psalm 92 Reflection Question
Q3: Psalm 93 is a psalm of praise, celebrating the Lord's reign over all the earth. The repeated mentions of "the floods," "the waves," "mighty waters," and "the sea" hold special significance. What reminders does this offer us?
Q4: The opening verse of Psalm 93 declares, "The Lord reigns" (v. 1), which is a fundamental truth in the Christian faith. How does this encourage and inspire us in this twisted and contradictory age?
Psalm 93 | ESV Bible | YouVersion
- Q1: 詩篇93篇是一首讚美詩,稱頌耶和華在全地作王,詩人在這短短的5節中一再提到的「大水」、「波浪」、「諸水」和「洋海」有何特殊涵意,對我們有何提醒?
- Q2: 詩篇93篇第一節“耶和華作王”(v.1)是基督教信仰中最基本的真理,對身處在這彎曲悖謬世代的我們有何鼓舞和激勵?
- 詩篇 93 | CUNP-神 Bible | YouVersion