Daily Chapter---Psalm 94 Reflection Question
Q1: Psalm 94 is a psalm of supplication, calling on the Lord, the "God who avenges," to punish the proud oppressors and bring justice for the oppressed. Throughout any generation, it seems a fact that the wicked prosper while the righteous suffer. Have we ever doubted God's justice because of this and lost our joy? What inspiration does Psalm 94 provide for us?
- Q2: The psalmist in Psalm 94 points out that God's discipline aims to instruct the nations and peoples (in His statutes), and those who reject or ignore discipline will face judgment (v. 10). It clearly states the reasons for God's discipline (v. 11). What warnings does this provide for us?
- Psalm 94 | ESV Bible | YouVersion
- Q1: 詩篇94篇是一首求告詩,呼求耶和華這位「審判世界的主」懲罰那些在位有權的狂傲惡人,為受壓迫的人申冤。不論在哪一個世代,惡人當道,義人受苦,似乎是個不爭的事實。我們是否也曾為那作惡的心懷不平而懷疑神的公義,失去了喜樂?詩篇94篇對我們有何啟發?
- Q2: 詩篇94篇詩人指出神的管教是要讓列邦和萬民學到知識(神的律例法則),不服和無視管教的,“懲治”(審判)必要臨到(v.10 ),並清楚地說明神管教的原因(v.11),對我們有何警惕?
- 詩篇 94 | CUNP-神 Bible | YouVersion