Weekly Devotion Psalm 97-101
Psalm 97
Psalm 97 The psalmist hopes that the whole earth and the coastlands would rejoice for the Lord’s reign. Although God is surrounded by clouds and thick darkness as His deeds are unfathomable, He will never act arbitrarily, because He cannot go against Himself, which is the righteousness and justice in God’s attributes. This is the basis of all God’s authority and judgment. In other words, God is jealous and who will by no means clear the guilty. Even if God wants to show His love and mercy to His chosen people, the sins of the redeemed people must still be borne by God’s Son Jesus Christ and be judged by God’s righteousness before the case can be closed. God’s righteous deeds demonstrate God’s faithfulness and power, and even more so, embody God’s holiness and awesomeness. This is the manifestation of God’s glory. When Moses sang “Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, majestic in holiness” (Exodus 15:11), it means that the gods worshiped by people of all countries are false gods, and they are only worthy of kneeling before the true God Jehovah, revealing their falseness, incompetence, and pitiful true images.
Psalm 98
Psalm 98 Psalm 98 begins by inviting the house of Israel to remember God’s past salvation (1-3), then calls on the whole earth to sing joyfully, using the sounds of harps, trumpets, and horns to praise the justice, love, and faithfulness of the great King (4-6), and finally uses personification to give glory to God’s future righteous judgment on the world by the roaring of the sea and the towering of the hills. This kind of praise is called singing a new song to the Lord, not necessarily because it is a newly created song, but because every time the chosen people sing it, they offer it to God with a heart of gratitude and worship that is constantly renewed by God. May our brothers and sisters experience this wonderful feeling every time they gather in God’s temple to worship God.
Psalm 99
Psalm 99 The psalmist says that when the Lord sets His throne on the two cherubim, all nations and the earth will tremble and shake. Why? It turns out that the cherubim are a special kind of angels who are responsible for guarding God’s holiness and showing God’s lofty and inviolable glory. At that time, the cherubim guarded the east side of the Garden of Eden, preventing Adam and Eve from approaching after they sinned. Later, when God commanded Moses to make the Ark of the Covenant, he asked him to make two cherubim out of pure gold, standing opposite each other, with their wings spread high to cover the mercy seat, and placed it in the Holy of Holies, so that even the priests could not approach. This shows God's great and awe-inspiring, supreme majesty. However, the psalmist then praises God's mercy and compassion. God lives among His people and raises His servants such as Moses to intercede for His people. God is willing to listen and save them, so the psalmist wants God's people to honor and worship this God who is both righteous and holy and loving and merciful. How can we not be inspired and encouraged? !
Psalm 100
Psalm 100 Psalm 93 (except Psalm 94) to Psalm 100 are all classified as hymns with the theme of "The Lord is King". As the last hymn in this series, this psalm calls not only the Israelites, but also the people of the world to make joyful noise for God, because only Jehovah is the God who created the heavens and the earth, created mankind, and provides all the needs of mankind. However, in fact, only those who are called to enter His gates and His courtyards, that is, to become the sheep on His pasture, are the most blessed. So brothers and sisters, recall whether we enter the worship of God with a heart of thanksgiving and praise when we come to church to worship the Lord every Sunday? And do we rejoice in the prayers and songs of thanksgiving and praise in the temple together?
Psalm 101
Psalm 101 Traditionally, Psalm 101 is considered to be David's oath to God for his enthronement as king. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of God's throne - can David imitate God and build his governance on such a foundation? David trembled in fear and vowed to God to "be careful and walk the upright way" and that he could only do it by walking with God. So he asked God, "when will you come to me?" David understood that the main responsibility of being a king after God's own heart was to stay away from sin first (3-4). Of course, we know that when David was king, he did not keep his oath and was disciplined by God. But because David did not try to cover up his sins, he had a humble and repentant heart, and wrote repentance psalms (Psalms 51, etc.) and handed them over to the choir to sing. He received God's final forgiveness and was called "a man after God's own heart", because God's greatest desire for us is not to expect us not to sin, but whether we can offer God "a broken and contrite heart" as the best sacrifice after sinning, so that we can truly experience the power of God's grace and become a truly humble follower of the Lord.
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每周灵修 《诗篇》97-101
詩篇97篇 詩人願全地、眾海島都為耶和華在掌王權而歡呼。雖然神被密雲圍繞, 其作為深不可測,但祂絕不任意而為,因祂不能背乎自己,那就是神屬性中 的公義和公正。這是神施行祂一切權柄審判的依據。換句話說,神是忌邪 的,絕不以有罪的為無罪的。即便神要將祂的慈愛憐憫行在祂的選⺠中,但 那被救贖之⺠的罪還是要擔在神兒子耶穌基督的身上受神公義的審判,才能 結案。神公義的作為表明了神的信實和大能,更體現了神的聖潔可畏,這就 是神榮耀的彰顯。當摩⻄唱出“耶和華啊,眾神之中誰能像你?誰能像你至聖 至榮”(出15:11),就是表明各國人所拜的神都是假的,它們只配跪在真神 耶和華面前,顯出它們虛假無能可憐的本像。
詩篇98篇 詩篇98篇從邀請以色列家記念神過往拯救開始(1-3),接著呼籲全地都要發聲歡唱,用琴聲、號和⻆聲來讚美大君王所顯出的公義、慈愛和信實 (4-6),最後用擬人化的方式將大海的澎湃,群山的矗立環繞都歸榮耀在神 將來對世界的公義審判中。這種頌揚之所以被稱為向耶和華唱新歌,並非一 定是新創作的歌,而是選⺠每一次唱詩時懷著一顆不斷被神更新的感恩之心、敬拜之情向神獻上。但願我們的弟兄姊妹每一次在神的殿里聚集敬拜神的時候,都能經歷這種奇妙的感受。
詩篇99篇 詩人說當耶和華將祂的寶座設立在兩個基路伯之上時,萬⺠和大地都要戰慄和震動。為什麼?原來基路伯是一種特別的天使,負責護衛神的聖潔,顯示神崇高不可侵犯的榮耀。當年基路伯把守在伊甸園的東邊,使犯罪的亞當和夏娃不能靠近。後來神吩咐摩⻄作約櫃時,要他用純金做成兩個基路伯相對而立,高張翅膀遮掩施恩座,並放置在至聖所內,連祭司都不得靠近。這顯示了神的大而可畏、至高至上的威嚴。但詩人接下來卻頌揚了神的慈悲憐憫。神住在祂的百姓之中,興起祂的僕人如摩⻄等為祂的百姓代禱,神樂 意垂聽,施行拯救,故詩人要神的百姓這樣來尊崇敬拜這一位既公義聖潔慈愛憐憫的神。我們如何能不受激勵和鼓舞呢?!
詩篇100篇 詩篇從93篇開始(除94篇外)直到第100篇都被歸類為主題是“耶和華作 君王”的讚美詩。詩篇作為這系列的最後一篇讚美詩,呼求不但以色列⺠,而 且普天下的人都要向神歡呼,因為只有耶和華才是創天造地,並創造人類, 供應人類一切需要的神。不過事實上只有那被召進入祂的門,祂的院,也就 是成為祂草場上的羊才是最有福的,所以弟兄姊妹們,回憶一下我們每個主 日里來教會敬拜主的時候是否是帶著稱謝和讚美的心進入對神的敬拜?並能 為在殿里一同送上感恩讚美的祈禱和歌聲而在其中歡喜快樂?
詩篇101篇 傳統上認為詩篇101是大衛為自己的登基作王向神立下的誓言。公義和公 平是神寶座的根基,大衛能效法神,將自己的治理建立在這樣的根基上嗎? 大衛恐懼戰兢,向神立誓“要小心謹慎行正直的路”,而且只有與神同行才能 做到。於是他問神“你什麼時候才到我這兒來呢?”大衛明白作合神心意君王 的主要職責就是首先自己要遠離罪惡(3-4)。當然我們知道大衛在作王時, 卻沒有守住自己的誓言而被神管教。但因為大衛不試圖掩蓋自己的罪,有一 顆謙卑悔改的心,作悔改詩(51篇等)交與詩班吟唱,故得神最終的赦免, 稱他是“合神心意的人”,因為神對我們最大的心意不是期待我們不致犯罪, 而是犯罪後,能否向神獻上“那憂傷痛悔的心”作為最好的祭,由此真正地經 歷神恩典的大能,成為一個真正謙卑跟隨主的人。